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Our Seasons




Our Marching season begins with tryouts that usually occur during April/May. Our marching season features the FPC Bulldog Band and performances under the Friday night lights! Starlets perform with flags, rifles, sabres as well as dance numbers on the field and fill the stands to keep the fans excited!

Our Winterguard season is broken into two groups: JV and Varsity teams. Indoor guard is focused around colorguard and dance and held indoors. We compete around central and north Florida with the Florida Federation of Colorguard Circuit.

Our Dance season runs year long. Dance is a crucial element to our team. Weekly ballet classes are a requirement for the team. Additionally, our Pep Rally Team is an audition based group and open to our returning members only for the first 6 months of the year. We also have a yearly Starlet Showcase that features all styles of dance including jazz, hip hop, tap, and contemporary! 

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